Reflecting On The Year 2014

As 2014 draws to a close it's nice to look back on the great moments of the year passing by to remember it for.  The start of 2014 was tough, being diagnosed with Anxiety and still getting over a serious relationship, I was genuinely at my lowest and most lonliest. With that in mind I decided to put every bit of energy that I had into my university studies and learning to be generally happy with what I had, I haven't looked back since. I'd like to share my most significant things from 2014 whether they're from this blog or not..Enjoy.

1. I Graduated from University
 One of the biggest things to happen this year was my university experience came to an end, as I began the year with finishing the writing of my dissertation and by June I had completed my dance degree in Coventry. It is incredible how 3 years of your life come by and go so quickly. It still hasn't quite hit me that it's over and i'm a real grown up now with a blossoming career! I am so glad I made the most of my last 6 months living in my little house in Coventry and all of the great nights out with friends. I wrote about university on this blog.

2. Growing Professionally
 I cannot believe how lucky I have been in terms of growing professionally in 2014, in particularly since leaving university. I still find that I have to pinch and remind myself of how lucky and blessed I have been this year. I have worked with really great people and been given some frightening and challenging new opportunities. I waved goodbye to working with Foundation for Community Dance (now known as People Dancing) and Candoco Dance  Company, both of whom gave me a lot of opportunities to think differently and put myself out there for new things too! 

3. Falling in love
At the start of the year I was at my lowest and most anxious, being in a relationship with somebody so toxic for so long finally took its toll and I genuinely never thought I could love somebody again.. how wrong was I. Jordan and I met back in September and we've been inseparable since. He's the most genuine, romantic, supportive and loving human being I have become to know. I'm so excited to share our last day of 2014 and the first day of 2015 together, I'm so lucky to have him. He will probably read this and call me soppy but I am so grateful to have him.

4. Friends and Family.
 The best moments of 2014 have been spent surrounded by the people who support, nuture, respect and love me the most.. my friends and family. They've been by my side in the lowest and highest points of 2014. I've met some new friends year, some of who I have loved getting to know and then built on lasting friendships! I am incredingly proud of each and everyone of them, no matter how big or small of achievements they've made throughout 2014. I am beyond excited for everything that 2015 holds for us and the new memories about to be made. 

5. Feeling happy!
The best moment from 2014 is that I genuinely feel happy. I feel happy and content with who I am, where i'm going and who I surround myself with. 2014 has taught me to put myself first, understand anxiety and how to get through the tough days that I still have. I have understood the importance of 'downtime' and not always saying YES to everything, especially when your overworking and becoming exshausted. I have learnt to appreciate the small things in life and enjoyed reading more than sitting on a computer. 

I've also enjoyed creating this blog and the recognition it has in my professional and personal life, I know that 2015 I will be putting A LOT more time and effort into it, the content and it's design.

In 2015 I want to continue to be happy, to work hard and also appreciate every moment
I was over the moon to see I had a 'line a day' 5 year diary, I'm excited to look back on the years to come and all the things I experience.

What are your best moments of 2014?

Happy New Year Everyone, all the best for 2015!! :D


MY Dance Festival Fringe : April 2015


U.Dance County Selections..