January 2017 Reads

I've made it one of my 2017 goals to read more and spend less time scrolling through SM during my evenings. I wrote a post of 30 Books To Read Before June 2017 and having already ticked off 4 out of those 30 books within the first month is motivating! I've absolutely loved diving head first into these books, all of which have remained with me since finishing them. There's also nothing like revisiting an old favourite books of yours neither, such as Charlie and The Chocolate Factory inspired by the fact I saw Curve's production of the Twits earlier this month. 

Definitely leave me some of your own book recommendations below as I'd love to add some more onto the list. I'm really proud of reading so much this month so hopefully you enjoy my small reviews of these reads.

 The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins 
After months of hearing amazing things about this book I finally caved into the hype and read this over the New Year, I could not put it down. Why didn't I pick it up sooner? Having read Gone Girl back in 2016 I found myself drawn to the thriller element of books more regularly. If you haven't read this book it follows Rachel Watson as she catches a daily glimpse into the lives of 'perfect' couple, Scott and Megan from the window of her daily commute. One day, Megan goes missing and is feared dead. Rachel who is a troubled woman begins her own investigation into what happened with Megan, but it comes to close to home.

Whilst it's conclusion was slightly predictable (I did work it out quite quickly), I loved how Paula captured this troubled young woman and her relationships with other individuals during her investigation. If you haven't read it already, what are you waiting for?

Only Ever Yours by Louise O'Neil 
Initially I didn't know what to expect from this book from the front cover, a barbie doll taking centre stage and a tagline of 'choose a girl, only ever yours, to own forever'. The book was a slow starter, it didn't grab my attention immediately so I didn't hold out much hope for the rest of it. In this story women are no longer born naturally, girls or "eves", are raised in the arts of pleasing men in schools became they come of age. We follow Freida in their final year, as they expect to be selected as companions or wives by the end. All they have to do to succeed to stay in the top ten beautiful girls in their year, avoiding a life as a concubine or even worse a chastity. 

The book definitely became intense and at times threw me in a direction I didn't expect. I enjoyed it more during the middle and as it's conclusion. On closing the book I felt speechless, completely loss for words! I would definitely not shy away from giving this story a go.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert 
Self Books have become a regular occurrence on my bookshelf and within my reading lists, I love the variety that is out there and I had seen this one making it's mark on my Instagram feed for a considerable time. Being a lover of the arts and a creative individual myself this book spoke volumes to me, there was plenty a times when I punched my fist in my air and completely got it. I urge absolutely every person to read this book at one point in their life. 

Elizabeth's positive, say it how it is attitude compliments this book so well! 

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl 
Who hasn't been captivated by the story of Charlie Bucket during their lifetime or been inspired by Willy Wonka to create your own chocolate factory of dreams? There's nothing better than revisiting this 1964 and one of Roald Dahl's classic story. The illustrations from Quentin Blake capture the story so telling and imagining the story in your head becomes natural. I saw it's west end adaption in London a few years, it's definitely still a story I will love revisiting in many years to come.


Legally Blonde, Christchurch Theatre Club, Loughborough Town Hall, Leicester.


The Play That Goes Wrong | Belgrade Theatre, Coventry.