The Blogger's Guide To Autumn.

I don't know a blogger who doesn't look forward to the dawn of Autumn; whether it's because they genuinely love the season or because they're planning the best of the best Autumnal content for their Instagram and blog as possible. I'm one of those bloggers which totally embrace the season, so much so that I'm currently writing this post with a Pumpkin Latte in hand. If a Starbucks PSL can't come to you, then just buy Pumpkin Latte ground coffee and your an instant winner. 

I wrote a blog post entitled 10 Things I Love About Autumn which is two years old now. I've been trying to figure out for a while how to create a new post combining the season and blogging, what's more fitting than The Blogger's Guide To Autumn
Starbucks announces the release of their PSL. Most bloggers can't wait to get their hands on a cup of Starbucks' Pumpkin Spiced Latte when Autumn arrives. It's not to everyone's taste but it is friggin' delicious if you ask me and totally gets me in the Autumn mood. I've got to have mine with a good wallop of cream on the top for the finishing touch. Obviously when you get your cup of PSL make sure you take a photo of it for Instagram because it didn't happen if you don't have the photographic evidence to back it up. 

Gather your Autumnal flatlay props. Most people purchase some artificial leaves, whereas I have a little scout out for as many leaves, conkers and acorns as possible. All they need is a quick wipe down with a kitchen towel and you're good to go! Be cautious though, there have been occasions when I have found a few little bugs amongst the leaves whilst taking photos, ew. Also who doesn't throw in a burning candle, scarf and a couple of fairy lights as props for good measure. 

The daily struggle with daylight for good photos. As the nights draw in there isn't a day that passes by when I don't see a blogger mention their struggle to capture photos because natural light isn't playing the game. Personally, I try to embrace these darker evenings by creating more 'cosy' photos instead, that's the Autumn vibes we're after right? I love creating this kind of images instead of the bright and colourful photos that other people may choose to have on their platform.

Spend far too much money on Autumnal Candles. I have an addiction to buying Autumnal candles as much as the Christmas ones. Pumpkin flavoured candles especially (I think I'm going to turn into a pumpkin before Halloween if I'm not careful). But seriously spending around £4-6 per candle in a place like TK Maxx seems like such a bargain at the time, before you realise you're around £40 poorer than you were before you walked into the shop. I genuinely need as many candle collaborations over these months as possible to save pennies. (#prrequest)

Convince your boyfriend to take those candid Instagram photos. Maybe agree you'll buy lunch so that it encourages your boyfriend to be dragged onto a location and take 3874 photos in the hope that one of them will be good. More than likely you'll get frustrated at your boyfriend for not capturing it correctly, therefore you'll spend more hours than you had initially planned stood freezing your butt off for a handful of photos. You'll quickly get over it when you realise your photos are banging!

Spend your time sourcing out the perfect locations for the perfect candid shots. I need pumpkin fields, forests, cute cafes for a hot chocolate (that'll go cold by the time you manage to get stuck into it) and general Autumnal vibe locations. I'm already creating a list of mine so any recommendations are welcome kids. 

Spend more nights curled up on the sofa than out at blogging events. This may be me but unless your event will offer me something special and isn't going to mean getting home after 10.30 on a weekday then I'm all yours. Otherwise, you'll find me curled up on the sofa under a blanket feeling a million dollars. I'm totally down for Netflix binges and lots of Halloween, Autumn vibe films. Not going to lie I am waiting for the right moment to start watching Christmas films, they're the best! 

Await the release of Lush's Halloween Collection and when they're released you either go shopping mad on their website or in your local store. Most Bloggers get very excited for the upcoming release of Lush Cosmetics latest collections of bath and body treats to see you through the colder months. If you are happy to spend around as little as £4.25 for a bath bomb then be my guest, I'll stick to my reliable bath bubbles products that are £1 a piece for a big bottle. I don't have the same relationship with Lush this year, however, I will probably purchase a couple of bath bombs because I love getting creative with photos of them for Instagram not going to lie! 

Start deciding whether your going to do blogmas this year or your like me and will just wing the entire blogging schedule for the rest of the year. (Yes this is me on a yearly basis!)

Head to your local Home Sense or TK Maxx and spend a ridiculous amount of money on candles, trinkets, decorations and more. During Autumn it's the shop to visit! 

Tell me what's on your guide to Autumn!


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