The Last Reads of 2017.

2018 is here, we're nearly through January and I haven't introduced any of my Reading Goals for 2018 and spoke about the last books I read in 2017. Oops. First things first, you'll be glad to know that I accomplished my 2017 Reading Challenge. I managed to read over 30 Books last year, yipee! However, during December I got so overwhelmed with trying to read 3/4 books that I just didn't finish any of the books I had planned to. I don't know what it is but during December I spent more time eating chocolates and watching Harry Potter or another festive film most evenings. Therefore there are 3 books waiting for me half read for this December. Glorious.

This year I plan to read around 40 books, so far I've read 1 1/2 but with a few lengthy travel journeys on the horizon and an 8 day trip in April, I feel as though this is obtainable.

The last 2 books I read in 2017 are gooduns and I thoroughly enjoyed them.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 
Having heard so much about this book beforehand it was definitely one of the most highly-anticipated books on my TBR list. THUG is relevant, timely and everything we need to understand the age of social media and political madness we are in. It opens up your eyes to the aspects of 'white privilege' and a lot of things that I myself can admit I don't think about. 

The story itself follows sixteen-year-old Starr, a young, bubbly black girl who lives in Garden Heights. Starr is taught two things growing up; the birds and thees and what to do if you ever come across a police officer. Police Officers are the people who help protect us and keep us safe right? Unfortunately for Starr, she is taught to keep your hands where they can be seen, no sudden movements so that she doesn't get shot. Khalil, her best friend at the beginning of the story is shot. By a police officer. Khalil was unharmed. Starr was the only witness. 

The rest of the story follows the aftermath of the murder, Starr's experience of being a witness and trying to do what she can to get justice for her best friend. It's not that easy. The system is set up against her and her fight isn't going to plan sailing. I loved everything about this book. It gives you so many various emotions and it was a book I just couldn't put down. It's definitely one of my favourite reads from last year and deserves the recognition. The Carter family is one of the most intriguing families I have ever read about. I would urge you to definitely give it a read sometime.  

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets by J.K.Rowling 
You know me, I love rereading Harry Potter. I absolutely loved coming home from work in the darker evenings and snuggling up with the second book of the series. This is the book where we are first introduced to Dobby the House Elf - he's still one of my favourite characters. Ever. 

Harry is still stuck at the house of his relatives, The Dursleys and is desperate to get back to where he belongs at Hogwarts. Not even Dobby the House Elf can deter him away when he warns of a terrible plot that will occur should he return to the school. 

In the second book, we're following Harry in his second year at Hogwarts. A new year brings with it fresh torments and horrors are rising, including the arrival of the outrageous new professor Gilderoy Lockhart. It's not long before a mystery begins in Hogwarts, something or someone is turning the students to stone? The mystery in this book is definitely what makes me love this book, so much happens and we are introduced to so many more characters than we are in the first book. Harry really grows in this book and his character, amongst others, are beginning to develop so much more. I'm already halfway through the Prisoner of Azkaban, watch out for that review coming up!

What books did you read at the tail end of 2017?


San Carlo, Leicester.


Interview with Brandon Lawrence | MOVE IT 2018.