5 Ways To Kickstart A New Week.

Mondays can be tough, can't they? Did the weekend only just start and now you have a new week to get through? Do you feel like you've hardly got a good rest this weekend or didn't manage to get everything done you wanted to? 

The start of a new week fills some of us with dread but Monday's should be looked at with more positivity, a fresh beginning. I have a rollercoaster of a relationship with Mondays. One week I'll be highly motivated for the dawn of a new week but other times it feels me with anxiety. Here are 5 tips to kickstart your week! 

Get Some Sleep

There's nothing worse than waking up on Monday morning and knowing you had a rubbish nights sleep. It doesn't help to get your week off to the best of starts and getting a good nights sleep. I know from experience that my mood highly depends on the amount of sleep I get the night before. And anyway in general sleep is very important. On a Sunday I'll always ensure to go bed just a little bit earlier than usual.

I always plan to unwind from around 7.30 when I'll go upstairs, run myself a hot bubble bath with a book or a hot shower then give myself a face mask, wash my hair and put on fresh PJ's. I like to be asleep by around 9.30-10.00 so Me and Jordan will usually put on a film or a TV series episode then just relax in the comfort of one another until we fall asleep. Honestly having a good nights sleep on Sunday can be just the remedy to get your Monday off to a better start. 

Organise Yourself

Organising yourself is vital, especially if the new week brings with it a lot of commitments. On Sunday take some time to write down your schedule for the next week, what nights you may have something on and decide on those you'll spend just relaxing. I know this really helps my peace of mind and I don't feel as though by Monday night I'll be feeling like I'm overwhelmed or wondering if I've forgotten something. 

If you want to get ahead before the morning organise yourself by making your lunch for the next day, packing your bag for work and maybe even decide on the outfit you'll more than likely be wearing that day. I have had so many days in the past where I've ended up rushing around gathering my stuff, making breakfast and my lunch that by the time I leave the house I'm having to quick foot it in time to get to work. Plan your time and use it more effectively, its necessary in order to kickstart your day. 

To organise yourself for the new week, write down 3-4 jobs for you to tick off your to-do list every evening. You can have on this the simple task of reading a chapter of your latest book to writing a blog post can help you stay on task and feel motivated. 

Things To Look Forward To

Working full-time can be a bit of a drag isn't it? By the time 5pm rolls by on a Friday your weekend begins and you ram it full of fun activities. Why not inject some of that into your week too? Giving yourself at least one thing to look forward to during the week, whether that's a drink with friends or even a cinema date then it's one thing that could easily improve your week and motivation in general. 

Dress Up

I know I don't feel good on a Monday morning if I'm not wearing an outfit I'm 100% comfortable and happy with. I do enjoy the routine of finding an outfit to wear for a new day but it's not always easy to decide what to wear so maybe organise a clear out of your wardrobe and find some clothes you haven't worn in a while but could totally rock. If you have to wear a uniform get creative with your hairstyle or makeup, add a bit of eyeliner one day or try to master a different hairstyle. 

Don't Do Too Much

There's nothing worse than feeling run down by the weekend and as though you can't enjoy the 2 days full of great things you have planned. Doing too much can do more bad than good so take it easy, give yourself enough to do. It's essential you look after yourself. If one week you feel as though your focus needs to be on the housework or organising your space or solely on finishing your latest blog post then that's your focus. 

I definitely feel far better about it when I only focus on around 10 things rather than 100 in the week. 

I hope this post has given you a good idea of what you need to kickstart a new week, bring it on.

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