11 Million Reasons To Dance: Challenging Dance Stereotypes Through Images.

Does a dancer have to look a specific way to be respected and represented in the sector? What does a 'dancer' actually look like? 11 Million Reasons to Dance is challenging these ideas with their photographic exhibition.

Our perceptions stem from what is already present in Dance; a ballerina on pointe or the tightest tango that creates the idea of a perfect form and technique to become what is essentially a dancer. This photographic exhibition creates conversation around D/deaf, sight impaired and disabled people who dance. It has already thrilled more than 100,000 people throughout the UK and across the world. Thanks to new funding from The Space, a digital commissioning body, the exhibition is about to be uploaded online so more people are able to access this exhibition for themselves. It will most definitely challenge those dancing stereotypes and raise debate on how non-disabled people view those who are disabled in dance.

Photo Credit: Sean Goldthorpe

11 Million Reasons To Dance launched four years ago as a photographic exhibition and creates a discussion around What Does A Dancer Look Like? It features 20 memorable images by photographer Sean Goldthorpe working with disabled dance artists. The reimagining of iconic dance scenes in film has already impressed audiences globally, including the UK. 

On the People Dancing website, you can now see a series of short films and enhanced images opening the exhibition to a global audience. I would definitely urge that you check them out. 

Photo Credit: Sean Goldthorpe 
One of the disabled dance artists involved in the project is a Freelance dancer, choreographer and teacher Wheelchair-user Kimberley Harvey. Kimberely has worked with Candoco Dance Company, co-created an inclusive contemporary dance company, Subtle Kraft Co and also performed in the closing ceremony for London 2012 Paralympics. Kimberely is featured in a scene inspired by Cell Block Tango, Chicago (pictured second right). When asked what does like a dancer look like Kimberely replies "To me, there is no specific 'look' to a dancer. I do not identify a dancer based on their physicality or a certain appearance. A dancer is someone with the desire to express themselves or a way of being through movement. It is someone who communicates with their body with a sense of awareness and creativity.”

What does a Dancer look like to you? 


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