7-12/50 Books of 2019 Reading Challenge.

How are we already in April and 4 months into my 2019 Goal of reading 50 books! I can't believe I've managed to keep on track despite struggling every now and again to read during the day. However with that in mind, here's the next 6 books I read since my last post in February. 

Our House - Louise Candlish | ☆☆☆

'On a bright January morning in the London suburbs, a family moves into the house they've brought in Trinity Avenue.

Nothing strange about that. Except this house belongs to Fiona Lawson and she didn't sell her house?'

I've heard many good reviews about this book so just had to get my hands on it during my a  visit to the local library. It's a fantastic book that has twists and turns within every chapter. I thought the plot of this story was interesting and involved so many characters that were all intertwined in quite the crime. I feel as though the book always had you guessing what would happen next and I thought Fiona's character was really interesting. I genuinely couldn't put this book down, what a fantastic book. I'd love to read more books from Louise Candlish!

Putting on the Brakes for Kids with ADD or ADHD - Patricia Quinn | ☆☆☆

I work as a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant with children who have ADHD and I'm always willing to learn new ways or remind myself of how I can support them in education. 'Putting on the Brakes' is a fantastic resource to do that - I got through it within hours of grabbing it from the library and found myself writing down notes for work too! I can see why so many young people would want to read this too, it offers insight but also reassurance of how they can approach professionals for help understanding ADD or ADHD. I thought that this book would be great for parents to use for their children too. What a fantastic book - I'll definitely be telling my colleagues about it!

Bird Box - Josh Malerman | ☆☆☆

Of course, I had to get stuck into this book after hearing all of the hype from the Netflix original film and I wasn't disappointed. The book is a fantastic terrifying and psychological thriller that makes for great reading. I thought the storyline was very gripping and I loved the transition between the past and the present to form the plot in this instance as it really helped to move the story on.  It took me longer then I expected it to to finish it but I really enjoyed the book and it gave me a good thriller fix!

I also jumped straight into the Netflix film after reading this book and it was just as good!

Dear Evan Hansen - Val Emmich | ☆☆☆

I've been waiting to get my hands on this book since falling in love with the musical soundtrack a couple of years ago. The book is just as good and has got me very excited to see the production in all of its glory in December 2019.

In the story there is mention of anxiety, depression, suicide and drug use that I felt was well written within the pub. I really enjoyed Evan's characters and his portrayal when struggling with anxiety - it was something I could whole-heartedly relate to and I think the writers did a fab job with this! I also felt like they introduced other characters into the story well - especially Connor. The book is written from two people's perspectives and this was extremely clever in order to fully understand both individuals who anchor the entire storyline. 

Although the storyline is predictable throughout - it definitely tugs at your heartstrings! I really enjoyed reading a book from a soundtrack I have loved and related to for so long.

*Never Be Broken - Sarah Hilary | ☆☆☆

Never Be Broken is the sixth novel to feature Mer detectives DI Marine Rome and DS Noah Jake. It takes on the tough and uncompromising look at gang culture in London and touches on the sensitivity of the topic that we hear a lot about in mainstream media these days. 

When teenager Raphael Belsham is gunned down in a drive by shooting Marine's team are sent to investigate the murder. There are other children’s deaths being investigated but Raffa as she is known is different, white with affluent well connected parents. Noah, still grieving for his brother, Sol, takes all the deaths to heart and is determined to make a difference.

At times it is an uncomfortable read both with the situation and the emotion involved in Noah’s grieving process, but it makes for a powerful read. The book is very fast paced and we are introduced to a whole can of different characters. I did find it quite hard to stick with at times but it was a story that stuck with me during the times I wasn't able to read it. I really liked how Sarah Hilary brought the character's story to a close at the end too, it was very clever! 

I would highly recommend it. 

All The Light We Cannot See - Anthony Doerr | 

All The Light We Cannot See is a captivating read that takes place in the chaos of Germany and France in World War II. I've had this book on my bookshelf for years and never been drawn to read it because of its length, but after reading it for myself I wonder why I took so long to grab it off the shelf! I became so invested in blind girl Marie-Laure and German boy Werner as they navigate around a world that is changing so rapidly and attempt to survive it. 

The way Doerr has managed to transport us to different places and portrays the challenges they both face. I thought Werner's story as an orphan who becomes an expert at building and fixing crucial new instruments and is enlisted to use his talent to track down the resistance is very powerful! I thought the integration of other important characters worked effectively too. For a book that is over 500 pages, I was gripped from the get go and would definitely recommend it for other people!

What have you been reading recently?

If you enjoyed reading this post, you may also enjoy reading 16 Books I Read In 2016.

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Books marked with an asterisk (*) were kindly gifted by the publishers or NetGallery in return for an honest review. 

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