REVIEW | Club 2B, Belgrade Theatre

Club 2B
Belgrade Theatre, Coventry

The Belgrade Theatre's 2b space is completely transformed into a Gatsby-style 1920s speakeasy party as an alternative offering to the pantomime going on in the Belgrade's main house theatre. It's hard to immediately pin down what Club 2B actually is; part cabaret, part dinner entertainment and part historical mythological storytelling. 

Brought to this performance space by Strictly Arts Theatre Company. This company is, in fact, a result of Belgrade Theatre's talent development programme and it's fascinating to see what they've created together. Even the director Corey Campell immerses himself into the action as Zeus, the central character to our story that evening. 

The narrative for this production follows Zeus hazily through history in pursuit of his lost queen, Hera. Hera (Iona Coburn) is a main thread through the story as she transforms herself into a variety of real and fictional female icons through history; including Coventry's Lady Godiva and Marilyn Monroe. It's down to Zeus to realise through his journey that in a world whose history is largely written by men, it doesn't matter how independent or powerful a woman is, she will ultimately be overshadowed or belittled. It's a really fun storyline and it's definitely different from the other productions I have seen over the year, and probably ever. What makes Club 2B stand out is its unique layer of media and performance intertwined into the production. I loved the transition between a really dramatic part of the story where all of the audience are focused intently to a snap-change into a cabaret where the actors are seen approaching the table to show off a card trick or direct them to casino tables around the space. You won't miss the fact that a lot of people are dressed for the occasion in their best 1920's attire and it's really quite something as it adds to the overall atmosphere of the place. 

It does take a while for the tempo to pick up in this show but you are quickly drawn into all of the action this production has to offer.

The musical front isn't lost in Club 2B either; there is rap, smoky jazz and American smooth which fills the room thanks to a strong three-piece band. The 6 members of the cast are incredibly talented and engaging from the get-go, especially when there's so much going on and the audience need a bit of direction. There is time when the audience is invited to be a part of the action so it's a really immersive event to get your teeth stuck into. 

The five women of the cast (Iona Coburn, Aimee Powell, Meg Forgan, Charis McRoberts and Katy Anna-Southgate) are formidable individually as the female characters we are introduced to. There is an incredible ooze of empowerment, strength and sexiness that really echos out to the audience. In their own way, they add fantastic layers to this story and it has been expertly created to be something which is unique in its own way. 

If you are looking for something different for a festive production, Club 2B is definitely the ticket you SHOULD be purchasing. Club 2B is performing at Belgrade Theatre until 31 December. 

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