In this Decade..

Instead of the annual roundup of the year, which would usually be in place of this post, I wanted to do something different. I thought I would chat about this last decade because we're about to enter another. It doesn't mean that 2019 wasn't a good year because it really was and I've shared the good stuff from it at the bottom. Maybe I'll chat about it another time?

I can't believe 2020 is on the horizon, where have the last 10 years gone really? 

This last decade really was the making of me as an individual and although there were some pretty tough lessons learnt for sure. However, I've come out on the other side of it with fantastic friends, boyfriend and a career I'm passionate about. More so when I decided to try something new during the decade and it didn't go to plan. I'm ready to see what this next decade has in store for me, especially as it's the decade I will be turning 30, woah. 
But before we head straight into the new decade, let's have a roundup of this decade.

In this decade..


  • I completed 2 more years at college before completing my course in Musical Theatre in 2011. I remember the last year being a horrible experience so I was relieved to be outta there! I came away with wonderful friends and great memories though.
  • I said goodbye to Poppy; my beloved pet dog. She was a fab dog!

  • I packed my life and moved to Coventry for university. 
  • I began my dance university degree at Coventry University. I left within "freshers week" but returned a week later because of homesickness. 


  • I met some incredible friends on my university course and started to find my feet.
  • In the summer I performed in Games Time; an outdoor performance that I loved doing! 
  • The 2012 Olympics came to London and in celebration, I performed around the county following the Olympic Torch. I did it with my younger cousin Molly and it's one of my favourite memories with her. 
  • That summer I also turned 21 so I celebrated with a garden party with friends and family.
  • I went on holiday to Italy with my family before returning back to university.


  • In the second year of university, I had a blast living with Harriet and Ben. Some of my favourite memories at university are from within that house.
  • Sambucca became my friend and it was my tipple of choice on a night out. 
  • I spent a lot of my second-year going out and I don't regret it at all.
  • We performed as a company "Strike Out" and this is where the seed evolved and some guy caterpillared across the space during our performance.
  • Ruby, a boxer dog joined our family.
  • Sadly my friend passed away from Cystic Fibrosis in the summer and it hit me pretty hard.
  • My long term relationship ended at the beginning of my final year.
Read more: Graduation


  • I became a shell of myself in third year and was pretty unhappy.
  • Although 2014 did bring me something, the beginning of this blog. Carpe Diem Emmie began in January. 
  • I moved into my final year house and it was quite tough. It wasn't long after that I was diagnosed with anxiety and life wasn't the same for me.
  • I was interning with People Dancing which I thoroughly enjoyed - Louise was an awesome mentor and became a good friend in the process. 
  • My friendship with Elouise really grew - We would have sleepovers quite frequently and I miss my girl.
  • I began dating and it went... shit.
  • Katie, Lauren, Harriet and Elouise were my rocks in my final year and I can't thank them enough for getting me through that year. 
  • Me and Harriet celebrated completing our dissertation in style with a dirty pint (neck challenge!) 
  • I graduated from university, HOW?!
  • I started dating again whilst looking for jobs, I met Jordan in September 2014 just before my  graduation ceremony.
  • I landed my first job in the dance sector as a Young Associate Programmer, oooooo.
  • I started teaching Breakfast & After School clubs in Dance around my county. 
  • I left my job as a Young Associate Programmer. I was in between jobs and I was teaching tap classes at a dance venue in Birmingham. 
  • I created the East Midlands Blogger Network and organised our first meet up in Nottingham.
  • I volunteered at the 2015 UDance in Plymouth and it was the best weekend!
  • I started my job as a Learning Support Assistant in a secondary school. 
  • Me and Jordan moved in together in the Summer.
  • I brought in the New Year in Northern Ireland with Jordan and his friends. 

  • We moved house again! But we love where we live now.
  • I organised a huge meet up in the summer, East Mids Meet Up. 
  • I celebrated my 25th birthday with a glamping trip. 
  • My blogging really kicked off in 2016 with press trips to Ox Pasture Hall, Foodies Festival and a masterclass in London. I started creating fantastic friendships and taking on wonderful opportunities.

  • We had our biggest press trip to date to a villa in Spain with Clickstay, we absolutely loved it.
  • The theatre side of my blog started to kick off and I began reviewing for multiple theatres around the county. 
  • My grandma turned 90 and we celebrated in style with a huge family party.
  • I left my job as a Learning Support Assistant for Marketing. It was a bad decision and didn't last for long.
  • My cousin Paul got married. 
  • I attended Latitude Festival for the first time as press. 
Read more: 18 Good Things in 2018

  • I got a new job as a Learning Support Assistant in a primary school. 
  • I went to West End Live with my mum.
  • I visited the Lake District for the first time and now I love the area.
  • I read 20 books. 
  • This was the year we sadly lost Ruby in October. 
  • I visited some exciting places like Bath, Norfolk (with Bumble Campers) and went to Eden Hall Spa. All thanks to my blog - 2018 was my best year yet with blogging. 
  • Reviewed 25 shows. 
  • Started volunteering at the local dog kennels. 

  • We adopted Millie from the dog kennels in January.
  • 2019 was the busiest year in terms of travel and we had a blast exploring places like Bath, The Cotswolds, Liverpool, Birmingham, London, Lincolnshire Wolds and more. 
  • Reviewed more shows than ever before, here's a list of my favourites. 
  • Read 50 books!
  • We fostered April the hedgehog who is living with us for the winter. 
  • Started my second year working in a primary school. 
  • Celebrated my 5 year anniversary with Jordan. 
  • Had a blast of a summer with a trip to a few festivals! 

I really can't wait to see what the next decade has in store. Will I still be blogging? Will I still be working in a school? Will I have my own home and children? Who knows! I just hope the next decade is as wonderful as this one was. 

City Nites, Birmingham.


The 10 Shows of 2019.