The Happy Things From Lockdown For Me.

I don't think lockdown is well and truly done with in the UK, although you'll know that things are starting to resume. I don't think my own normal will be back for a long time though and I'm just dying to give my family and friends a big squeeze to be honest, more so because my sister is due to give birth to my niece in August. At the start of lockdown I found the entire thing very daunting and my anxiety was incredibly triggered by the uncertainty of what was on the horizon. Rewind 3 months later, I mean how has it been 3 months already? and I've made it through the "worst" of it, I think. 

I feel as though lockdown has given me an incredible amount of resilience and mind over matter strength. There's been some really lovely memories from this time in lockdown that I've enjoyed writing down in my journal over the weeks and no doubt, coronavirus won't be forgotten about in a hurry. I've had moments when the enormity of the situation (and the fact I haven't seen all of the children at school in MONTHS) but all in all, I can see the light at the tunnel emerging and it feels good.  Whilst enjoying my morning cuppa, I wrote a list of the happy things from lockdown for me and I wanted to share my happy things from lockdown before sharing with you a post with 100 happy things from other people. 

My auntie recovered from the virus.

Slow mornings in bed with a cuppa and a book without a 6am alarm to wake me up for work.

Learning how to cook and find a joy in doing it.

Ticking off my to do list on a regular basis.

Walking in the local countryside, finding new routes for me to explore.

Going on bike rides with Jordan. 

The afternoons in the sunshine, reading a book or soaking up the rays.

Musical bingo on a Sunday evening with friends.

Participating in lots of different quizzes, especially the musical ones. 

Organising weekly quiz or bingo with my work colleagues. 

More time with my rescue hedgehog April before she was released.

Video calls with my loved ones.

Enjoying a afternoon tea virtually with my family, including my grandma.

Having a glimmer of "normality" by going to work.

Creating fun videos with my colleagues and dance club.

Kicking back to watch lots of theatre online (even though I'd rather be in an auditorium).

Finally started my Mental Health First Aid qualification. 

Laughing out loud at Dance with Dave on Instagram.

Bringing new plant babies into my home.

BBQs in the garden.

Camping out in the garden. 

Making new online friends in the past few months.

Reconnecting with some old friends.

Doorstep chats with friends.

Watching lots of TV series and films (Disney+ has been a joy!)

Doorstep deliveries from independent places, especially when they're doughnuts.

Banging my pan at 8pm on a Thurday night in the #ClapForNHS

Enjoying the time to slow down in the evenings.

What has brought you a little bit of joy during lockdown? 



Lud's Church - Walks in the Peak District.


Midsummer Festival, 20 June.