The Books I Read in June 2020

"A cover is not the book, so open it up and take a look" 
- Mary Poppins

We have already sped through the first 6 months of this year, besides the fact we've spent most of it in lockdown, it's been a good year for reading. I've felt as though I lost some of my reading mojo this month, I found it hard to get to grips with a book which made it difficult to move forward. (I'm hoping to pick it up again over the summer!) 

In June I enjoyed the adventures in 4 books, 1 of which I forgot I had on my bookshelf for seemed very appropriate for our time. With everything surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement globally at the moment, I've been trying to add more culturally diverse titles onto my TBR pile. 2 of the other books I read were kindly donated to me by my friends which I really appreciated. I'm just about to begin my summer holidays in July too which means hopefully lots more time on my hands to indulge in as much reading as possible.

With that in mind, here are the books I read in June 2020. 

Little Friends by Jane Shemilt
This was my least favourite book I read in June. Little Friends is a psychological thriller that I found very hard to get to grips with. I thought this title may grow on me over time but it just didn't, even if the conclusion was actually quite brilliant. I don't remember much from this book unfortunately. 

The Girl Next Door by Phoebe Morgan

My friends had already told me that this book wouldn't be what I expected and they weren't wrong. The Girl Next Door is jam-packed with twists and turns to keep their readers involved with the action. All of the characters within this story were intriguing, especially the Goodwin family who drew me instantly. The story shifts between different characters after a 16 year old is found murdered. Parts of the story are emotionally difficult to read but Phoebe Morgan writes it well and with really understanding for the various emotions involved. 

Blood Orange by Harriet Tyce

I love a good thriller and managing to get my hands on one can sometimes be difficult as it's quite a vast genre in books. Blood Orange genuinely kept  me on my toes right until the end, the twists and turns are superbly established in this story. The flow of the writing is very pacy and intertwining the legal aspect to the character made it a great domestic drama.  I heard lots of hype around this book so was thrilled when my friend lent it to me. Alison Wood's story; the damaged marriage, the toxic affair, the court cases she was involved with and her desperation to become a better mother to her daughter Matilda was exceptionally portrayed by Tyce. This is a book for everyone to get their nails into this year! 

When They Call You a Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors and Asha Bandele

Undoubtedly one of the most important books I'm going to read in this year, especially when conversation about diversity is at the top of most people's agendas...including mine. When They Call You A Terrorist is a heartbreaking, true account of Khan-Cullors' life story and how the horrors that happened to her family and community led to her work with Black Lives Matter. I experienced a journey and education from this book, I learnt so much more about what happens in their communities and how fortunate I am. At parts I had the rug from under my feet pulled as I tried to navigate this 'reality' I clearly knew not very much about. It's definitely encouraged me to read more books like this! 

What did you read in June? 

U.Dance Digital 2020.


Theatre at Home in May and June.