10 Reasons To See Frozen in the West End!

The hottest show for families to see in London right now is without a doubt, Frozen. The stage musical version of Disney's 2013 animated modern-classic is soaring onto the stage at the newly renovated Theatre Royal Drury Lane. The film became the highest-grossing animated film of all time, it became quite the phenomenon and there's no doubt why audiences are so excited about it now being on in London! I went to see it recently, absolutely loved it and now I'm going to share with you the reasons why you should book tickets to see Frozen in the West End! 

1. Samantha Barks as Elsa. 

Samantha Barks embodies the leading lady role perfectly in Frozen. Her CV is jam-packed with great stuff since she starred on TV in the search for Nancy in I'd Do Anything in 2008. She's gone onto work on amazing shows like City of Angels, Pretty Woman on Broadway, The Last Five Years, Les Misérables and Cabaret. Its no doubt that she is the ideal Elsa and the children in the audience absolutely dote over her from her first entrance. Her vulnerability but power really oozes off from that stage and her vocals really do fill the vast space of the auditorium. 

2. 'Let It Go' is a unforgettable musical number. 

I'm still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor after witnessing 'Let It Go' on that stage. The set design, the lighting, the special effects really makes this musical number a stand alone unforgettable moment from the show. You'll definitely hear some hums of children singing along to the song of the century! 

3. Stephanie McKeon as Anna.

Stephanie McKeon brings genuine warmth to Anna's character and her sisterly bond with Samantha Barks is so natural. I saw so much of myself in Anna's character and McKeon does a superb job in making me someone I can identify with on that stage. Whatever musical number she is involved with, she makes her presence known. 

4. If Sven and Olaf are your favourite characters..

you won't be disappointed. The adults were definitely there for these iconic characters (in my humble opinion). Sven's full-body costume has a individual inside it holding stilts in his hands and walking on tiptoe! Ashley Birchall made Sven really come to life in that costume, I couldn't believe the attention in detail to his movement whenever he was on the stage. Craig Gallivan is superb as the friendliest snowman in Arendelle. The entire audience were captivated by his stage presence and he definitely caught most of the laughs in the show! 

5. They have the perfect cast for this show!

The representation in this cast is superb. I feel like audiences will see themselves identified in someone on that stage! Also, I am very desperate for a second show just to witness Danielle Fiamanya as Elsa. I'm putting that one out in the universe.. 

6. The whole aesthetic of this production is GORGEOUS.

One of the biggest take aways for me from Frozen is the aesthetic of the entire thing from start to finish. I cannot stop thinking how the entire production looked and how the combination of the elements; lighting, set, video, special effects really made magic happen on the Theatre Royal Drury Lane stage. Jeremy Chernick, Finn Ross, Neil Austin, Christopher Oram basically need all of the awards possible for what they've managed to do with this show! Of course, the costumes will also give the added wow factor to the whole aesthetic!  

7. Michael Grandage has directed a show London can be proud to home! 

We've all heard the mixed reviews from Broadway about Frozen but Michael Grandage has done a superb job in directing a show that London can be proud to home! His storied background in Shakespeare adds new depth to the story, especially in the emotions department. He has scaled up the work enormously, adding in new set pieces, songs, and of course, magic making it a fabulous sister for The Lion King which resides just down the road at the Lyceum Theatre! 

8. The ensemble will inspire all young aspiring performers in the audience.

If the dancers in Frozen were the first I ever experienced as a child, I'd definitely feel aspired to be on the stage when I grow up. They light up the musical numbers and the series of dance and movement from choreographer Rob Ashford keeps the show pulsating from start to finish!  

9. Jennifer Lee's book hasn't changed from the original screenplay.

It just feels a lot more powerful on the stage. Especially after the last year we've had, the story of these two girls, separated by a terrible accident who then lose their parents and forced to live in isolation. This production will certainly hit you right in the heart. 

10. Lastly, of course the songs are still there!

All of the songs from the film are here, along with an expanded catalogue which fits perfectly within the show. I really enjoyed how it meant that Elsa was given more time to really develop her character (let's face it Let It Go is the biggest and really only one for her!). 'Dangerous to Dream', 'For The First Time In Forever', 'Let It Go', 'Do You Want To Build a Snowman?' really stuck with me after seeing the show! I loved the addition of a new duet for the sisters, 'I Can't Lose You' gave me memories of hearing 'For Good' from Wicked for the first time so I really enjoyed this! I'd like to see a West End Original cast recording for that song alone now pretty please! 

That's it, 10 reasons to see Frozen in the West End! So allow yourself to experience the world beyond the gates of Arendelle and book your tickets to this masterpiece of a show! 

Find out further information on how to book your tickets here


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