REVIEW | As You Like It, Soho Place

Credit: Manuel Harlan


Reviewer - ANNIE

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the latest production of As You Like It at the Soho Place Theatre. Even now as I am writing this am I grinning at the pure delight that this show was. Josie Rourke (director) has brought Shakespeare alive in a way never done before, but it cleverly still feels so true to tradition. 

The casting in this show is just beautiful - entirely inclusive and diverse, but so cleverly thought out for each role. It genuinely felt like everyone was made for their respective character. 

Rourke’s show demonstrates what can be achieved in terms of inclusivity and accessibility, both on and off stage. It needs to be said that this production showed how casting should be executed in 21st-century theatre. It felt natural and true to the ethos of Shakespeare without being viewed as preachy or just ticking a box to gain attention.

The introduction of BSL into the show is pure magic, bringing a fresh interpretation of the script which is beautiful to watch. The level of detail and expressive nature of the signing is a true testament to the team's work and research. I was totally gripped from the start and it made the meaning of the script even more emotive. I don't think I've ever watched Shakespeare and received so much passion and pain through the actors before, it really brought a whole new meaning to the play for me.

Although all performances were faultless, I must admit that the standout of the show for me was Martha Plimpton as 'Jacques' - if that isn't the definition of a Shakespearean actress then I don't know what is. Her entire performance was nothing but exceptional, captivating the audience from the very minute she arrived on stage. 

However, saying the above should not detract from the exceptionality of the entire cast, not one person fell short of perfection. 

We all know the difficulty of Shakespearean dialogue, but to remember that and then learn BSL for the text is just outstanding - the whole cast has created an important legacy with this production.

The utilisation of the space at Soho Theatre is done exceptionally well. I must admit that I am rather hesitant about modern theatres (being such a lover of classical architecture and traditional theatre styles) but the architecture in that building is out of this world. 

From the outside you see an uber-modern building but inside you are greeted with modern nods to well-loved styles of the art deco era and beyond. The auditorium itself is extremely clever, and I personally feel that it is the perfect place for a modern interpretation of any Shakespeare. It truly feels like a modern take on the Globe, offering such an intimate setting, it almost feels like a private performance. 

The staging (by.....) is brilliant - the entire stage is used and not one side feels forgotten about. In terms of props/ staging there is very little but I believe this makes the show even stronger - the entire focus is on the performance and emotions of the players, both through speech and BSL.

Props are used so cleverly that they enhance the acting without detracting from the simplistic nature of the original setting. There is a beautiful use of props to symbolise the seasons - and the way that this is done is just so emotive that very little else is required to set the scene there on in. 

I would wholly encourage everyone to try to catch this show whilst it is playing - Shakespeare lover or not. It really caters for everyone and provides such a warm lighthearted evening out. I must say I have not enjoyed a piece of theatre that much in a very long time.

As You Like It is currently booking until 28 January 2023. All performances are captioned. Book your tickets here.

*Disclaimer: AD | Gifted Tickets


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