REVIEW | In Clay The Musical, VAULT Festival


Reviewer - PHILIP

*Disclaimer: Gifted tickets in return for an honest review.

‘In Clay’ tells the beautiful story of Marie-Berthe Cazin in the form of a one woman musical. As Cazin waits for her best friend, celebrated artist Henriette Tirman, she reminisces about her life once lived and the dusty dreams she once had. From being plucked from obscurity to art school and beyond. Through marriage, betrayal and loss Cazin’s story is heartfelt and with a sense of familiarity. We have all been through similar trials and that just draws you in ever closer.

Rosalind Ford plays Cazin with truth and care. Every word was carefully said and every move carefully thought through. Ford captivates the audience for the duration of the show which in itself is an impressive feat. But to be able to make them smile and laugh and weep is another thing entirely. Ford's vocal ability just adds to the charm, soaring high with occasional riffs and runs giving a slightly ethereal feel as if these songs come directly from the emotions in Cazin’s own memory. 

The warm music and lyrics of Jack Miles and Rebecca Simmonds are full of heart and soul. While music can sometimes bring a story to a standstill, In Clay managed to weave the narrative effortlessly through the songs. They really drive the plot and move the story along. They add richness to an already lovely story. Every piece of music brought a smile to my face.

The piece takes place in an intimate space which works well with the feel of the musical. Director Grace Taylor uses the intimacy of the story to great effect by keeping all the action small, compact and ultimately personal. Everything hangs on memories not showy theatrics. It is almost like you are there in her kitchen yourself as a welcome observer. 

This story is not particularly remarkable but has real heart and familiarity. It makes you think and feel and finally realise that although many stories are similar to our own - each story deserves to be heard and those whose story it is to be remembered.

In Clay The Musical is performing in the VAULT Festival until 28 Jan. Ticket information is here.


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