REVIEW | Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat UK Tour


Photo Credit: Tristram Kenton


‘I close my eyes, drew back the curtain’.. is definitely up there as one of the most recognisable musical theatre songs of all time. With over 20,000 productions staged worldwide since it was first produced in London’s West End in 1973; it's also one of the most popular musicals of all time with British audiences. For some of us as well, it definitely brings some nostalgia about being back in primary school.  After its popularity last summer at the London Palladium, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is now heading on a UK tour until October 2022. It is definitely the time to see one of the best Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals, ever. 

This new production, directed by Laurence Connor, feels very fresh for a modern-day audience. For audiences who may have seen this production numerous times, I think they would enjoy it just as much as the first time. It is a production that heavily relies on the music to do the storytelling, a simplistic but incredibly effective way for this show to delight audiences. It is a musical that moves at an accelerating pace but the narration and music enable new audiences to understand exactly what is unfolding in the story. 

Photo Credit: Tristram Kenton

Photo Credit: Tristram Kenton

The cast in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat does an exceptional job at delivering bags full of energy and joy into every beat of this show. The pinnacle element within the cast was the children’s choir who definitely breathe a whole different layer of energy into the production in comparison to the adult cast. They intertwined themselves into the entire story - some even playing brothers and wives! It really defined how a theatre is an art form for all, regardless of your age! 

Leading the cast as Joseph was Jac Yarrow who delivered a first-class performance in his professional debut, direct from the London Palladium last summer. Yarrow manages to capture something new and exciting into a role that has been done over and over again. His performance stands above the rest for sure. Alexandra Burke was, however, the performer that stole the show. Burke is the narrator who also works through a feast of colourful cameo characters to help her tell the story. Every one of them hit the note and received well from the audience. She has a real electric presence on the stage, with an incredible vocal ability to boot. Jason Donovan has a full-circle moment with this show, joining as the Pharaoh in this production. In comparison to his Joseph days in 1991, Donovan has a great rapport in musicals and his rock and roll rendition of ‘Song of the King’ definitely delighted certain members of the audience!  

Creatively this production uses a modern and simplistic canvas for a large part of it, leaving huge space for the characters to transition and build on their story by using their movement. Supported massively by Joanne M. Hunter's vibrant choreography and Ben Cracknell’s superb finishing touches with the lighting. The space itself really develops in the second half and becomes more appealing in an eye-catching fashion. 

May I return to the beginning and see Joseph again? It’s a dazzling spectacle and true golden nugget of British musicals that you need to tick off your bucket list. 

You may purchase your tickets for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat here.

Please note: This review features on West End Best Friend who I write reviews for.

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