REVIEW | Ruth Hunter: The Ruth is on Fire

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Reviewer - Joseph

Ruth was a runner-up for the Luke Rollason Memorial Bursary this year, and it's easy to see why. She is clearly very comfortable on stage, going through what she calls a work-in-progress show, where even at times, she says that things had been written on the day.

Is it slapdash? Yes. Is it funny? Yes. Is it fringe? Absolutely. 

Parts may seem entirely out of left field but this is where Ruth thrives. Some amazing character work at the beginning helped to really set the tone for the rest of the show. 

Sometimes shows like this are best as they are lightning in a bottle, you have no idea whether any of this will go into a future iteration of the show, but Ruth never feels nervous, or underrehearsed. She seems a very capable comedian running out some ideas and seeing what sticks. 

She has unique viewpoints on life which make the more "stand up" elements more engaging. As well as her relationship with her technician/ friend was endearing and made the vibe be more inclusive and free, which in turn helped when running out of stuff that may not work. 

If this is Ruth at her work in progress, I'm excited to see her honed and 100% ready. A comic to look out for!


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