INTERVIEW | Sarah Goggin, Back To The Future Musical

Written by Emmie, Theatre and Tonic. 

To start with, where did your journey into theatre begin?

I used to sing at my local choir from around 8 years old and then performed in my local drama club for years in Ireland until I left at 16 to come to Drama School.

What drew you to audition for Back to the Future: The Musical?

I love the role of Lorraine, even before seeing the show. I didn’t see the show until after I got the role, but when I saw it, I fell even more in love with the character and the show.

Tell us a little bit about your character 

Lorraine is feisty, she has her own mind and know what she wants, which wasn’t common for women of her time. She stands up for herself and always goes after what she wants. She’s also really fun and playful too.

What has been your favourite thing about developing this character? 

I loved putting my own stamp on the character. It’s a little daunting coming into such an established show, that is also an iconic film but our creative team were so wonderful in letting us make it our own.

Before you went into this production, were you a fan of the 80s film itself? 

My brother and family were huge fans! It’s so iconic, how could you not be?

Besides being a stage adaptation of the movie, why do you think audiences adore this show in the West End? 

It’s exactly what coming to the theatre should be. Fun and exciting with incredible performances, choreography, effects, costumes, sets!  It has something for everyone.

If people haven't seen Back to the Future: The Musical, what audiences will it appeal to?

Honestly, everyone! Even if you’re not a fan of the film. It’s so thrilling.

If you weren't playing Lorraine, which other character would you play?

George! He breaks my heart and is such a wonderful fun character.

What is your favourite musical number in the show and why?

When I hear the opening I always get excited and wish I was in it! They all look and sound amazing.

If you could bring another 80s film to life on the stage that hasn't already, which one would you choose and why?

Labyrinth for sure!

Why should people book tickets to come and see Back to the Future in the West End?

It’s such a fun show for all ages! I mean the car alone is spectacle enough but the cast really are incredible, each and every one of them and the show would be nothing without the stage management team we have, they create the magic!

Catch Sarah Goggin in Back to the Future The Musical at the Adelphi Theatre, currently booking until 21 July 2024. 


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