REVIEW | Sleeping Beauty, Loughborough Town Hall

Reviewer - EMMIE

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Time to dust off the Christmas jumper, gather your family and head to your local theatre for a traditional pantomime. Loughborough’s annual pantomime at the Town Hall is back for another season, this year it’s the time for Sleeping Beauty.

There is a lot of change at this year’s pantomime with some new names in the cast and creative team. Little Wolf Entertainment retains the leading force in ensuring this pantomime executes an enjoyable, vibrant and lasting experience for the entire family. Morgan Brind’s script is jam-packed with hilarious puns and some quick-witted modern references that were well received by the audience, no matter what their age. Aligned with the eccentric costumes and strong visual effects -makes it an absolute dream!

This year’s pantomime is set deep in Coalville Castle. We meet Nurse Nancy (Sean McKenzie) who is busy making plans for the christening of the baby Princess Rose (Victoria Lucie). After the wickedly glamorous Carabosse (Marisa Harris) discovers she’s not invited she puts a spin in the works. It’s down to the dashing Prince Vince (Jake Reynolds) to battle through the thons, wake his true love before it’s too late and help her save the kingdom.

This year filling the big shoes of the Loughborough Town Hall panto duo are Sean McKenzie and Harry Polden. Sean McKenzie takes a while to settle into the role, whilst Harry Polden is consistently engaged in this show. There isn’t an immediate natural chemistry with them but I hope this will come with time working on the show.

Fairy Lights (Penelope Simons) is sweet-natured and packs great vocality. Marisa Harris is fierce and powerful as Carabosse, she’s very likeable in playing the baddie. Victoria Lucie is delightful and oozes warmth as Princess Rose. A stand-out rendition of ‘The Life I Never Led’ from the hit musical Sister Act is sung with fantastic execution and emotion behind every note. Lucie is matched really well with Jake Reynolds as Prince Vince, they are a well-formed pair of performers who bounce off one another naturally well.

As a whole, this casting is incredibly strong and will certainly receive a whole host of love and praise during the festive run. The standard of pantomimes here is getting stronger every year, particularly with the young ensemble. Our young ensemble where Team Thorns; Katherine George, Sophia Lawrence, Eleanor Cook, Grace Dagley, Arabella Lingham, Ava-Lily Creed, Madison York and Rafaella Bancroft.

Kristian Cunningham, a household name at Loughborough Town Hall for pantomime, takes on the responsibility of choreography this year. Cunningham crafts movement that elevates the story, but also enables each and every one of them to shine!

The Loughborough Town Hall pantomime has all of the ingredients for a successful run. You are going to have lots of fun watching Sleeping Beauty!

Sleeping Beauty performs at Loughborough Town Hall until 2 January. You can book your tickets here.

*Disclaimer: AD | Gifted Tickets


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