REVIEW | Spring Awakening, KTC Senior Youth




★ ★ ★ ★ 

Spring Awakening is known for its energetic soundtrack and hard-hitting story, Midlands-based company Kristian Thomas Company, breathes new life into this production on their return to the stage since the pandemic. The pandemic has hit these companies the most with no funding for community productions that are hugely beneficial to society mentally and physically, especially after the last 2 years. This production is a triumph and a sure return to brilliant theatre that companies like these execute!

This musical has eight Tony Awards under its belt, including one for Best Musical and has been a favourite for younger casts to perform. Taken from the German play, Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind which was published in 1981. The play sent shockwaves through the German society at the end of the 19th century, as it was an apparent direct challenge to the Establishment. At the heart of this story are young people who are enduring the journey from adolescence and expose the damage done when sexual oppression and abuse take place. 

100 years later, Duncan and Steven Sater create a musical version of the play, a masterpiece of contemporary theatre that is no less powerful and emotive than when the play was first published. Kristian Thomas Company's Senior Youth are an exceptional group of talented young people who grasp the rock music score and this powerful story, resulting in one unforgettable production. The tragedy that occurs in the storyline; child abuse, isolation and desperation is equally matched up to an amazing amount of optimism, a nod to diversity, acceptance and the strength of love. They have well developed this story in the execution of their production. 

The cast has been well structured to give a high-class production. Leading the cast are 3 exceptionally talented young people. Stan Cook plays the protagonist, Melchior Gabor and really grasps how his actions give huge consequences for everyone else around him. Nadia Potter is a great leading lady in the making as Wendla Bergmann. Potter has a fantastic voice for this role, her rendition of 'Mama Who Bore Me' set the standard for the entire show. Dominic Wood's take on Moritz Stiefel is incredibly moving! 

However, this cast has incredible strength in pulling towards the rawness and emotional elements of this story. The entire female ensemble delivers high-level energy into the musical numbers as well as being on stage for the majority of the show to develop the lack of scenery needed for this show. The choreography in the musical numbers are excellent and the young people are able to showcase their talents in this area too! There were some obvious first-night nerves and technical issues with mics but all in all, this didn't stray from the final product which was a brilliant show. 

The Kristian Thomas Company Senior Youth's production of Spring Awakening showcased that the passion for young people to perform is still very much alive and that they are excellent companies ready to flourish their passion to life! A triumph for this local company and I cannot wait to see what these young people do next!

Find out further information about The Kristian Thomas Company and their Senior Youth Company by visiting their website here

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