Interview: Jake Roche, NEPORRHOIDS!

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024 we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Jake Roche about Neporrhoids!

1. Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far.

Absolutely. It’s been a mad one. I initially started out acting but found myself in music touring the world with my band Rixton. We got dropped when I was 25 and I was sort of left in limbo for a few years figuring myself out. I stayed in music but soon realised that I actually just love performing more than anything and the process of making something so it was only right I took a hard pivot into making a show about all of thatreally.

2. What is your show about?

It’s called Neporrhoids! which you’ll have to see to decipher yourself. (It’s actually really easy). It’s my story about how I went from Universal Music to Universal Credit. Mixed heavily with some ‘Dad stuff’ too.

3. What was the inspiration for the show and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

I originally pitched it as a TV show in 2022 which is crazy to think now because I so wasn’t ready. I’ve stripped it right back now obviously and it’s great to know it stands as it’s own theatre show...I hope. I went in completely as a student and met a lovely dude called Laurence Cook. He came on as a dramaturge and helped me explore the deeper themes at play. That naughty Jordan Brookes is involved too who I’m just such a huge fan of. His hit rate of what’s funny and what’s not is so honed in so having him help me shape it has been a huge blessing.

4. What made you want to take this to the Fringe?

I came up last year purely as a punter and fell in love with the place. Obviously the city itself is stunning but around Fringe time - I dunno, there’s this sense of ‘We’re all in this together’. Maybe I’m naïve because I’m new to it all, but the vibe is bang on for me. Plus to be in a room with an audience and offer them something. Doesn’t get better than that for me.

5. Apart from seeing your show, what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

Lean in. Get lost in it. My favourite times where when me and my fiancé were running from between shows pissed out our heads. It really is a festival!

6. Why should people book to see your show?

My friend has invested 15K and if we don’t at least see an ROI our relationship is going to be in tatters. It’s also very honest and raw and I think offers something to anyone watching it.

7. When and where can people see the show?

3:35pm. Pleasance Beside. Would love to have you down


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