These are 15 of My Favourite Things..

Sometimes there's nothing like grabbing yourself a good cup of tea, or something stronger if you fancy it and reading a blog post that isn't a review or typically what you write. I could stray towards a beauty favourites post but then that would be really out of my comfort zone, and it would be rubbish. Instead, just a general post from the person behind the blog is just as enjoyable to read as it is to write.

I found a magazine that I don't remember the name of in my doctor's surgery, and was drawn to an interview with a celebrity entitled 15 Favourite Things and thought it would be a fun post to write on my blog. Hopefully it will inspire you to take this post and create your own like it. If you do please link it back to me so I can check it out.

Takeaway Treat: Well this is a tough one to begin with, I’m an absolute sucker for a Ham and Pineapple pizza. Takeaway pizza is usually the best. Considering just recently I burnt my oven pizza to ashes, I think I’ll stick to the safe option of ordering one.

Film: I wrote a post entitled ‘My Favourite Films of All Time’ because I don’t have one favourite. I guess for this post I’m going to say Dirty Dancing in the hope it’ll remind me to watch it once this post it up.

TV Show: I am really loving binge watching TV Shows now and there’s so much good new TV on, which is a god send when you’re attempting to save money in January. I recently binge watched The Crown on Netflix and absolutely loved it, can’t wait for The Series of Unfortunate Events to arrive soon! 

Song: Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran is a song that reminds me of the early days when me and Jordan began dating so it's a song which resonates some great memories for me. However, I am also a huge fan of The Smiths and listen to 'There Is A Light That Never Goes Out' regularly. 

Book: I love reading and feeling motivated in reading more in 2017!  I have always loved the Harry Potter series growing up and they are books I love rereading over and over. Besides that, my childhood favourite is Peter Pan by J.M Barrie. It just feels so magical whenever I read it.

Memory: This is a definite of the 3 years I spent at university. I almost wish I could relive those years of my life and fully embrace every moment, it all went so quick and there is so many things |I would have probably approached differently now. 

Piece of Advice: 'There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind' is one quote that I always go back to and 'trust your instinct' because it is pretty much always right.

Musical: Again this is a pretty difficult one. At the moment I'm really enjoying the Hamilton and Billy Elliot soundtrack so we'll go with those! ;)

Beverage: If it is alcoholic then it's definitely a mojito cocktail but definitely love a good BREW! :D

Guilty Pleasure: It's definitely candles. I love filling my house with lots of different scents. I get most of mine from TK Maxx but recently brought some from House of Fraser which  have been perfect lighter scents.

Favourite App: I am an absolute sucker for Instagram. I use it more regularly than I ever have done. You can follow me on there, @carpediememmie :) 

Favourite Celebrity: No question about it, Michelle Obama.

Ideal Date: It has to be spending a day walking amongst the countryside until we find a pub to have a drink and some comfort food by an open fire. Otherwise an Italian restaurant is always a good shout!

Evening Meal: I'm really lucky because Jordan absolutely loves cooking us our evening meals and I've found myself enjoying dishes I wouldn't have tried before. My favourite is without a doubt his Sunday roast dinner, it's delicious and I look forward to it every week! 

Proudest Moment: Graduating from university back in 2014. As someone who didn’t do very well in GCSE’s, who had to work twice has hard to fulfil what I wanted to do with my career. Managing to make it through university was ace and shows that you can achieve anything you set your mind upon. 

Why don't you tell me some of your favourite things.


Cafe Rouge's Secret Steak Supper Club, Birmingham


Romeo and Juliet | The Y Theatre, Leicester.