Oxford Botanic Garden Photo Diary

You would have seen recently that I shared my Oxford Photo Diary and I briefly mentioned that whilst we were here we took a visit to Oxford's Botanic Garden. One of my favourite things to photograph when I'm out and about is to take photos of nature, so when we decided to use the last part of our Oxford visit to check it out I couldn't wait to get snapping away.

Oxford's Botanic Gardens belong to the University of Oxford and were founded in 1621. Their mission is to promote the furtherance of  learning and to glorify nature. The gardens have been open for almost 400 years and it's important for them that they educate as many people as possible about the importance of plants, to help conserve plants around the world and then to support teaching and research at the University and beyond. It's gardens are hosts to herb boarders, glasshouses that showcase some of the most beautiful plants from all  over the world or you can simply just sit back and enjoy the oldest Botanic Garden in Britain. 

The Botanic Garden is known as the most compact, yet diverse collection of plants in the World right in the heart of the city centre. It's open throughout the year for you to visit too, It costs around £5.00 for adult admission.  I'll leave you with all of the favourite photos I took on my visit, I'm definitely thinking about exploring more Botanic Gardens during the summer! 

thanks for reading,

#MYDanceDNA with Zoo Nation's Kate Prince.


6 Books on My Summer Reading List.