Cranes Drinks.

Summer may feel like it's almost over and with Autumn looming there's still time to make use of the Summer evenings, especially by having as many BBQ's as possible whilst dodging the rain. I absolutely love sampling some new, refreshing drinks over the BBQ and to enjoy with friends. I usually do enjoy more fruit based flavours too. Cranes provide the goods with their selection of refreshingly crisp cider, not does it have apples as it's base ingredient, as you'd expect from a cider but with cranberries too! 

Cranes itself are a relatively new brand, created by twin brothers Daniel and Ben. They formed both their interest in enjoying good cider alongside some idea that you can use healthy products to create a great alcohol beverage too. It wasn't all that easy, they fermented cranberry cider in 5 litre demijohns and took around 8 months before the recipe was perfected. 

The variety in fruity flavours that Cranes supply their customers with have enabled them to produce delicious cranberry cider with three flavours; Cranberry and Lime, Blueberry and Apple and Raspberry and Pomegranate. The twins have managed to create a cider which is naturally light by utilising the natural sweetness of the fruit. Their cider also has 30% less calories compared to brand leaders. The twins wanted to create a product that tasted amazing but also isn't full of sugar. 

It's no doubt that their products are refreshing, enjoyed over a glass of ice or straight from a few decent hours in the fridge they definitely compliment the meaty flavours from your summer BBQ. 

The first cider I sampled was the Blueberry and Apple flavour whilst taking some downtime during the Latitude Festival. I'm not particularly a fan of blueberry flavour however I was surprisingly impressed by how nice the flavour was. It was a really refreshing drink, you could definitely taste more of the blueberry flavouring than the apple. It was quite a sweet product but not as sweet as I thought considering the sweetness of the individual ingredients.

My favourite cider was the Cranberry and Lime flavour which really showed the cranberry based flavour that makes Cranes Cider different from other brands. This flavour is not as sweet as I had expected it to be as the lime really adds a soft sour taste to it, it makes it for a real refreshing drink.

If you are a fan of cider drinks or fancy trying something new then definitely give Cranes a go!

*Product Review. All photos and views are my own.

25 Things That Made Being 25 Awesome.


Latitude Festival 2017