25 Things That Made Being 25 Awesome.

I feel like in terms of time the past 12 months of my life, it has been the one that has gone by the quickest in comparison to other years. Maybe it's because I have made this year about living in the moment, taking on every opportunity possible and doing stuff for me. Not going to lie on some parts it can be quite isolating and I haven't seen some of my friends in over a year, most part being I've been busy but because this year I wanted to see friendships as more of a level playing field than one sided.

I did have plans to document through monthly vlogs on my YouTube channel,  it lasted no more than 2 months before I decided that I couldn't commit to it. I don't miss it, don't regret the decision because actually I've documented it through images on my social media platforms as well as writing about them in my everyday journal. I wanted to do a post which spoke about the 25 things that over the past 12 months of being 25 have made the year awesome because looking back I've achieved and done a lot.

Started a new job in education as a Teaching Assistant in a secondary school

Went on a press trip to Cumbre Del Sol with Clickstay

Celebrated my Gran's 90th Birthday

Celebrated 2 years with Jordan

Reviewed tons of theatre and dance shows on the blog (over 70!)

Began turning 25 in style with a glamping holiday in Lincolnshire

Organised the #EastMidsMeetUP with 40 bloggers in Leicester

Carpe Diem Emmie celebrated it's 3rd year live and probably it's best year yet already

Partied hard at the Wicked Hathern Festival, a festival close to where I live

Drank an awful lot of Gin + Cocktails in general (of course!)

Witnessed my cousin get married in Oxford

Headed to my first musical festival Latitude and absolutely loved it!

Read over 30 books

Celebrated living with Jordan for 2 years

Collaborated with a lot of great brands for the blog

Reached some incredible milestones with my social media platforms

Congratulated people in my life on their announcements of babies, engagements and weddings!

Learnt to adult better, I can now cook a lot better

Enjoyed the Nutcracker experience at Chatsworth House before Christmas

Indulged on delicious food in some great restaurants across my region

Christmas and December was great with Christmas Markets, Christmas Shows + time with friends + family!

Hung out with a ton of blogging babes at various events throughout the year, these times are so much fun!

Developed an understanding for the importance of self care and taking time out

Laughed an awful lot

Made the last of my 25th year by staying in a gorgeous Ibis Style Hotel in London and watching Mamma Mia the Musical, singing and dancing to my heart's content.

I'm so excited to see what being 26 has in store for me!

thanks for reading,


Hart's Hotel & Restaurant, Nottingham


Cranes Drinks.