The 10 Essentials You'll Need For A Road Trip.

We're going on our first road trip this year and I'm super excited! We're very fortunate to be working with Bumble Campers who have kindly allowed us to hire one of their 2 seater 2 sleeper camper van for a week. We'll be traveling around Wales or heading to the Peak District (all depends on the weather, British weather is super unpredictable as we all know) but I'm really excited to take in some epic views and do something I've never done before. Plus it's something on my bucket list so I can't wait to tick it off. 

Of course with a road trip comes a lot of preparation and I am no fan of packing whatsoever. I always write myself a list of things I need to take but still manage to miss something. I'm going to try so hard to be well organised this time. 

Without much further ado, here are The 10 Essentials You'll Need For A Road Trip

01. Toiletries

To me, up there as possibly the most important essential. Toiletries. Plenty of loo roll. Make sure if you are heading out on a road trip you pack your own supply of toiletries. You don't want to hope that you'll have stuff everywhere you go - remember there may be long stretches of driving where there's nothing in sight and so it's better to be prepared for those occasions. I'll also be packing a huge pack of wet wipes, they're so refreshing after a long day of driving or walking, however, if you end up staying in camping parks find those that have shower facilities to help you refresh. 

02. First Aid Kit

Another practical but must is a First Aid kit. One of us is probably going to burn ourselves or trip over something (probably me) so having a first aid packed and at the ready is important. 

03. Food and Drinks. 

What is a road trip without some snacks and make sure you pack with you some of your favourites. Our Bumble Camper is fantastic because it has what we need to survive on our road trip adventure, especially when it comes to food. The camper provides cutlery, basic cooking utensils, a camping stove and two gas canisters, and a powered coolbox to name a few. I can't wait to enjoy a few BBQ's under the stars on our road trip. We've also been planning our meals for the trip, ensuring we both decide on the things we'd like to have before we go on our pre-trip shopping.

03. A Phone with GPS

First of all, it's a great idea to make sure your data plan is loaded in case you need to access the internet whilst on the go. Also check your phone has the travel apps you will need for your trip, any suggestions for UK based trips are welcome in the comments. 

04. Camera Equipment

Of course whilst I'm away I'll be taking on any opportunity possible to take a photo so I'm going to need my camera equipment. It would be wise to pack more than one fully charged battery and a spare SD card just in case! 

05. Reading Material

Sometimes I won't be busy doing activities during the day so I'm going to need some reading material. This road trip is perfect for me to charge up my Amazon Kindle, fill it with some new reads and I can read to my heart's content. I do love a good physical copy of a book but on a road trip, a Kindle is massively beneficial. 

06. Comfortable Clothing

It's a no-brainer but when you go on a road trip, ditch trying to look good for the gram for comfortability. I'll be living in jeans, t-shirts, and hoodies on this trip and I can't wait. I'll also be getting good use out of my Walking Shoes, I recently bought some Mountain Warehouse ones and they're essential for this trip! 

07. A Banging Playlist

What's a road trip without a banging playlist? It's a good opportunity to create a brand new playlist. I'll have a mix of Musicals, 80's, 90's and new stuff too. I can't wait to see what kind of playlist me and Jordan create for our trip, may even share it with you after the trip!

08. Travelling Pillows (..duvets and blankets!)

As long as you're not driving, make sure you have comfy stuff so you can have a nap in the car (it's me so I'll definitely be napping!). It's great to have something from home for comfort and definitely pack blankets for those colder evenings under the stars! 

09. Good Company! 

The best part of any trip is the company you have coming with you. I'm so excited for me and Jordan to experience our first road trip together, it's going to be so much fun! Definitely take with you those people you enjoy company from, whether that is a partner, friends or family. Life is about making great memories and a road trip is great for that. 

10. A Plan

Last of all, it may be good to begin your road trip with some sort of plan. That plan can be the destination you'd like to reach at the end of the trip or the places you'd like to see along the way. Having a little bit of a plan can be really useful, particularly when it is your first road trip and something a little out of your comfort zone.

What are your road trip essentials?

If you enjoyed this and you are planning a road trip, read my 8 Places To Visit in the UK in 2018 to give you some inspiration. 


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