18 Good Things in 2018

Where has 2018 gone? It doesn't seem that 12 months ago I wrote a post entitled 5 Reflections on 2017 and I set myself some quite ambitious goals for this year.

I'll be honest and say that 2018 was a difficult year. It was a year full of changes and challenging mental health. Also, a lot of "solid" friendships have fallen apart this year and I'm starting to build more sustainable/positive friendships moving forward in 2019.

But it wasn't all that bad and I definitely feel as though there was also some great things that came from the year. 2018 taught me the importance of self-care, making great memories and surrounding yourself with the right people. I am really looking forward to seeing what 2019 will bring and will hopefully end this year on an absolute high. 

Here's a roundup of the 18 Good Things in 2018. 

1. I left my job in Marketing and now work in a primary school as a Teaching Assistant. I love every aspect of my job and learning something new every week.

2. Experienced West End Live in June with my mum, we enjoyed a weekend in London and saw 42nd Street.

3. Took on my first freelance clients and hope to gain more exciting opportunities in 2019.

4. Visited Lake District TWICE and fell in love with the area.

5. Celebrated four years with Jordan.

6. Reviewed 25 shows!

7. Read over 20 books! (I hope to read 30-35 next year)

8. Experienced camping in a camper van for the first time with Bumble Campers.

9. Found an interest in playing board games and now it's one of my favourite things to do with Jordan in the evening.

10. Made over 15 trips to the cinema to enjoy some incredible films.

11. Started therapy.

12. Enjoyed a Snow Day with my family dog Ruby (who we lost in October. It's one of our last and most fulfilling memories, I really miss her!)

13. Visited Eden Hall Spa for the first time, it is an amazing place!

14. Visited around 10 or more different places in the UK.

15. Enjoyed one of the hottest Summers in the UK on record.

16. Went to 3 music festivals this Summer.

17. Saw Paramore live in concert (and they were my most listened band on Spotify this year, no surprise there!)

18. Booked to spend Christmas in Belfast with Jordan and his family.

What's one of your good things from 2018?

*Jumper, Boots and Trousers gifted by Debenhams. You can find some inspiration for your New Year outfit here.

Dear 2019, Let's Make You A Cracking Good Year.


REVIEW | White Christmas, Curve Theatre