Dear 2019, Let's Make You A Cracking Good Year.

The dawn of a New Year is upon us and quite frankly I'm ready for it to begin. 

Some people don't believe in using January 1st as the day to create new changes in your life but there's something I quite like about it for my individual motivation. I love writing down the things I achieved in 2018 and setting out goals for what I'd like to achieve in the next year.

2018 had its fair shares of ups and downs. I managed to travel more, get a new job, build new friendships and improve in some areas of my Mental Health. You can read more about 2018 in my 18 Good Things in 2018 post. 

I have no idea what 2019 has in store for me but there are a few things I'd like to do.  So here are my goals for 2019;

Less Time Scrolling Through My Phone
The Telegraph reported in August 2018 that 'one in five of all adults spend as much as 40 hours a week on the web' which is more hours than I spend in my full-time job! It's crazy how much time I spend browsing through social media and how it becomes a "routine" to check social media as and when you can. In 2019 I want to be mindful of the time I spend on my phone and make sure it's out of reach from 9pm to enjoy a book or a film with Jordan before bed. 

More Exercise
Exercise hasn't been a priority in my life in the last couple of years and I genuinely believe that's had an effect on my body physically and mentally.  In 2019 I'd like to change that up massively! Not by purchasing a gym membership or trying to begin a diet but making the right lifestyle choices. I want to do an exercise class or two on a weekly basis and then spend an hour walking in the countryside where I live. I benefit from having gorgeous surroundings and nature has huge benefits for my mental health so I definitely need to be making use of it. I've recently begun walking the dogs from our local kennels (we lost our dog in October and can't have a dog in our rented property so it's the next best thing!) and it's something I'd like to do on a weekly basis!

Read 50 Books
I love reading but this year I haven't been so productive on the reading front and didn't successfully meet my Goodreads challenge this year. In 2019 I want to get my nose back into books big time and I'm aiming high with 50 books on the challenge. I hope by having less time scrolling through my phone I'll be getting straight into a book instead. Definitely throw me some of your book recommendations!

Travel More
I loved to travel in 2018, I managed to see so many more beautiful spots in the UK and I want 2019 to be no different. I wrote a post entitled 8 Places To Visit in the UK in 2018 and it gave me the right amount of travel inspiration I needed. I managed to visit 3 of the places in that list which I'm very chuffed about. In 2019 I would like to visit Bristol, Edinburgh, Bath and Liverpool pretty please.

Be More Independent
I'd just like to do more things independently for both my confidence and self-esteem. I'd like this to include trips to a coffee shop, cinema or even hopping on a train to meet friends or to explore a new city. I'd love 2019 to contain memories of the wonderful things I've finally managed to do alone.

Build New Friendships
2018 was a big year in getting rid of toxic friendships and nearer the end I started building new friendships. I want more of this in 2019, I want to find people to socialise with and do all the gin dates I am desperate for!

Be More Organised
I have become more and more unorganised in 2018. Down to a combination of losing and finding new jobs, I feel as though my organisation has slipped through the net. I really want to structure my time better in order for it to be more effective. I want to use my to-do lists and be all around more productive.

and obviously, of course, I'd like to see more shows in 2019 than in 2018! 

What are your goals for 2019?

REVIEW | A Christmas Carol, RSC


18 Good Things in 2018