Scrumptious, Beggars Belief Collective Review

Written by Joseph for Theatre and Tonic.

Disclaimer: Gifted tickets in return for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

Scrumptious! Is a fun, playful piece of children’s theatre. Centred around Sylvie and her sweet shop. In most stories, the main character wants something, which moves the story along, however, Sylvie wants everything to stay the same. However, they do a great job of showing how that can be boring and how change is a necessary part of life. 

The 3 strong cast are very well suited to children’s theatre, with larger than life expressions and actions, clear characters and an ability to keep a room of small children captivated (or as much as is humanly possible) I particularly enjoyed Iridiana, who is a stranger in the story at first, showing children that putting differences aside for the sake of the local community, as well as their relationship was well told and didn’t come across preachy as can be a pitfall in children’s theatre. 

The music complimented the story well and other than a few changes to volume which I thought were either too quiet or too loud at times, it was well managed. 

The set dressing was basic but worked well with the setting and tone, with some impressive props and a beautiful tree as the centrepiece. 

Overall I really enjoyed the show and would recommend it to families looking for a nice, light performance that has fun for everyone!

On tour until 31 August.

 ★ ★ ★ ★


In Rehearsals with Mar i Cel, Barcelona


Spring Awakening, Phoenix Arts Club Review