REVIEW | Wickies: The Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor - Park Theatre

Wickies: The Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor

Photo: Pamela Raith


Reviewer - ELIOTT

In December 1900, three Lighthouse Keepers mysteriously vanished from their post of manning a lighthouse on Eilean Mor, one of the Flannan Islands’ remote destinations, that would only be inhabited by those who kept the light alive. In Paul Morrissey's theatrical telling, the theories surrounding the men's disappearances are toyed with and played to the full extent with suspense and suspicion. This isn't a play which gives us an outright answer to the most plausible theory, but that's exactly what makes this chilling tale one that will stay with you long after you leave the auditorium, as we can conjure up our own ideology of what happened to the men on that chilling night. 

Some say that you must watch a play to feel fully immersed with the tone, direction, and structure, rather than reading a play itself. With Wickies, I cannot recommend enough grabbing a ticket before the show leaves The Park Theatre on the eve of 2022, due to its strong ensemble. Ewan Stewart, Graeme Dalling, and Jamie Quinn reel you in right from the start with some angelic folk music which floods the room of the Park200 staging. Zoë Hurwitz design feels wet and dark, but strangely welcoming. There's clever movement throughout, particularly from Illusion Designer John Bulleid, that will chill you to the bone, and at times leave the hairs on the back of your neck standing. 

Shilpa T-Hyland reigns the whole production together through her direction, one that always grabs your attention, leaning you into the ghostly tales, but still adding moments of humour where appropriate, thanks to David Morrissey's delicious script that has made me want to research more into the stories origins, than any other production I have seen this past year. Whilst there could be an argument that moments may parallel Stephen Mallatratt's Woman in Black, Wickies feels fresh in its execution; a scene in near blackout, with just a lantern to focus our attention to, as it drifts across the stage and illuminates the audience, will certainly stay in my memory. 

Bethany Gupwell's subtle lighting adds layers of emotion and prominence for giving the characters their flickers of attention and seamlessly marries with Nik Paget-Tomlinson's haunting soundscape, ultimately making Wickies triumphant in all aspects, creating an environment in which we can instantly leave the outside world at the door, and become fixated and transported to a desolate island that seems to hold many a secret.

Wickies: The Vanishing Men of Eilean Mor is performing at Park Theatre until 31 December. Book your tickets now.

*Disclaimer: AD | Gifted Tickets


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