Interview: Rebecca Massey, ‘44 Sex Acts in One Week’.

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024 we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Rebecca Massey about their piece, 44 Sex Acts in One Week.

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far..

My name is Bec Massey. I live in Sydney by the beach with my family and other animals. I have worked across stage and screen in Australia. I run a company Club House Productions dedicated to seriously good times in the theatre. 44 Sex Acts In One Week is exactly that–an excellently entertaining show with some clever and funny actors doing stupid things with fruit to klassy post-pandemic beats.

What is your show about?

Celina Valderama is a writer stuck writing click bait for She squad. She’s tasked with doing and reviewing a book called “The 44 Sex Acts That Will Change Your Life.” Only problem is, she needs to find a partner and the only person available is her nemesis, mail boy/ eco activist, Alab Delusa. It’s your classic apocalyptic rom-com: girl meets boy, girl hates boy, girl f**ks boy 44 times, the world collapses.

What was the inspiration for the show and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

Our writer, or playwright provocateur (as we call him if we want to be posh) is Fringe First winner David Finnigan. His inspiration was various outrageous sex bloggers/ insta personalities. I follow them now for shits and giggles–and am here to tell you, most of the outrageous stuff my character the sex coach says, can be found verbatim on the wonderful world wide web. But like a lot of David’s work, the show is a tricked up trojan horse to get people to sit in the dark together, laugh themselves silly and take a tiny moment to consider where we’re heading as a species.

What made you want to take thisto the Fringe?

We’ve come from sunny Sydney, and we are ready to enter the acting Olympics! Fringe seems to us like an XTREME INTERNATIONAL ACTING CHALLENGE, and we’re up for it! We also think the show will really give a lot of people a lot of joy.

Apart from seeing your show, what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

Go see another fab show from Australia by our friends, Ponycam–it’s called Burnout Paradise. We’z just crazy down here.

Why should people book to see your show?

You might want to have your ears felt up by live and fruity foley effects and get the get the inside scoop on what it might be to peg someone in Aldi at 10am on a Wednesday.

When and where can people see the show?

4.40 pm each day in the Kingdome @Pleasance. Come get yourself some afternoon delight.


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