A Jaffa Cake Musical, Gigglemug Theatre Review

Written by Penny for Theatre and Tonic.

Disclaimer: Gifted tickets in return for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

Gigglemug Theatre returns to the fringe following previous successful runs with shows like Timpson: The Musical and Scouts! The Musical. Following on in that great musical tradition, this year’s offering is “A Jaffa Cake Musical”, seeking to answer that vital question – is it a cake or a biscuit?!

The show covers an actual real legal battle over the definition of the ever popular cake/biscuit-which came about as a claim for exemption from paying VAT as whilst cakes are exempt, biscuits are not!

Written by Sam Cochrane, who also plays defence lawyer Kevin, this bizarre court case is treated with the silliness it deserves, by a cast who fully embrace the madness of the show’s subject matter. It’s full of very witty songs covering a range of musical styles (there’s even a bit of an homage to Hamilton’s Rap Battle once we are in the courtroom), performed by the cast of five who are, without exception, fantastically talented actors and singers. The taxman’s song and a deeply philosophical number that asked the question “If a Jaffa Cake’s a cake, why don’t you eat it with a fork?” were highlights. It was a great idea to reprise some of the key numbers in the show as part of the summing up at the end of the court case as it helps to cement them in the audience’s minds.

There was no weak link, but, for me, the standout performances came from Katie Pritchard in a brilliant turn as the villain of the piece, the taxman - she’s an absolute powerhouse, everything she touches turns to comedy gold - and Sabrina Messer as the prosecuting lawyer, displaying fabulous vocal and dance skills.

The inclusion of a backstory for the two lawyers involved in the case added some depth to the story rather than just a stream of cake and biscuit based puns, which were also brilliantly executed and well received.

I came away from the show thoroughly entertained, but still wondering whether it is a cake or a biscuit. Whatever your opinion is on this important issue (!), there is no denying that A Jaffa Cake Musical is a hit!!!

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆


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