Interview: Amy Gibbons, ‘Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die (Their Musical’

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Amy Gibbons about their musical, Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die (Their Musical).

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far.

Thankfully I was blessed with a large family who instilled the importance of creativity at a young age, along with lots of beautiful theological and philosophical questions being discussed, which also helped stretch my imagination. I joined my uncle’s theatre company as a child, touring rural settings with big productions of Shakespeare, Moliéré and such, working with professionals, amateurs and anyone my uncle dragged off the street. It was a pretty special introduction to the stage, I learnt a lot. My cousin, then professor of Commedia Dell’arte, set me off on a clown path which eventually led me to Philippe Gaulier’s school in France. The unending discoveries of clown is a wonderful journey which underpins my approach to theatre, acting and overall creativity. There are many life lessons in clown. After graduating 2 years at Ecolè Philippe Gaulier I co-founded Gibbons & Gaulier Theatre Company with life and stage partner Samuel Gaulier. We toured two co written plays, winning a new writing award at the London Persian Theatre Festival. 

More recently I have been writing and performing solo comedy work, trying out ideas and this play I’m bringing to Ed Fringe kind of grew out of this really. It is my debut at Ed Fringe.

I have three children, a grandson and live in the countryside. I’m a farmer’s daughter who used to sing to pigs, perhaps they were my first real audience.

What is your show about?

Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die (Their Musical) is a wild comedy show following pivotal moments in the life and relationship of two beautifully absurd yet tender characters, desperate to express both their love for each other and their creative joy. Beryl and Clive have chosen to follow their own paths rather than those of family expectations and convention. Beneath the shows fun & playful surface, is an exploration of human nature and the need for meaning and connection despite the narrow conventions we find ourselves drawn into. The story is about the journey to finding freedom and joy no matter who you are, told with comedy, clown, vaudeville, music and much more. 

What was the inspiration for Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical) and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

The inspiration for both the characters and story has come from myriad moments in my life and other people’s my path has crossed. People make me laugh… we humans are bizarre and wonderful! There is an emphasis on what it means to feel ostracized and the need for connection outside of conventional thinking and behaviour. It’s represented through the characters and their need for acceptance creatively, despite their differences. 

The process has been gradual, episodic and rather unpredictable. For me, the creative journey is every bit as mysterious as the journey of life itself. 

When I first started writing the story of these characters, Claudio and myself enjoyed researching by going out into public on shopping trips or to cafes, where these larger than life eccentric characters, brought with then endearment and amusement.

I am working with some brilliant creatives who enjoy my ideas and want to be involved which has been very inspirational for me, and last year’s WIP made it clear the characters and story was to continue.

Claudio Del Toro, a most wonderful Italian actor and clown is my stage partner, and having worked together a lot in the past, he has returned to be part of this show which is very special. The brilliant Samuel Gaulier as our director makes all the difference in bringing this show to life, not to mention James Pearson’s huge musical input! The hilarious Petra Massey will be working with us too, so yes, all very exciting. 

 What made you want to take Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical) to the Fringe?

The many opportunities it brings, like performing the show everyday for two weeks. connecting with other creatives, networking and building audiences… being surrounded by so many people making beautiful art. All the usual really. Curiosity…

Apart from seeing Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical), what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

Tell everyone else to come and see Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical). Come and flyer for Beryl & Clive. And whether performing or spectating... smile and enjoy the ride, this is what life is all about.

Why should people book Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical)?

You will leave with a big endorphin boost, feeling connected and joyful... and a bit more curious. It will be great fun with much laughter to be had. You might like to sing along to some funny songs or maybe you will relate to the characters!  Who knows! Come join us to find out, we are excited to meet you and make you smile. You will never have seen anything like it and there will be plenty to go away chuckling or pondering about.

Beryl and Clive will also be offering 20 second hugs after the show... just in case your feel good factor needs a top up.

When and where can people see [Beryl & Clive, Sing or Die, (Their Musical)?


(Venue No. 38) 19 Hill Place, EH8 9DP

Dates: 2-17 August 2024

Times: 12.55pm / 1.40pm (check dates for which show time) – 50 mins


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