Interview: Fake Escape, ‘Did You Mean To Fall Like That?’

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Fake Escape about their production, Did You Mean To Fall Like That?

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far..

I originally trained as an actor but always found it quite terrifying and wasn’t particularly good at it. As I turned 30 and Saturn returned, I discovered writing and have loved it ever since. I write contemporary comedy-drama rom-coms which often focus on the queer experience. I write a lot with my writing partner Dior Clarke, we’ve just made a mini pilot and are shooting a short film in August. This is my first time at Edinburgh Fringe and I can’t wait. I first came as a performer after my A-Levels 20 years ago and have loved it ever since. 

What is your show about?

Our show is about Charlie, who has ticked all the boxes of life. He’s married the right woman, took the right career path, dutifully attended stag do’s and the gym etc. His marriage has fallen apart due to the heartbreak of infertility and he’s starting again, aged 38. He’s heartbroken, he’s alone, he realises he has no idea who he is and what he wants. He accidentally meets and slowly falls for a man for the first time which takes him by surprise. 

What was the inspiration for the show and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

I was excited to write about a “straight man” for the first time and it felt like there was a gap to hear from a man like Charlie and about the time period of late 30’s and into 40’s. I am excited to be sharing a story about male (previously straight) bisexuality as it feels like we often don’t hear those narratives. I’ve developed the show with our brilliant actor James and director Scott.

We’re working with associate director Craig who is also excellent and helping with the creative development. 

What made you want to take this to the Fringe?

We’re excited to be a part of this enormous, creative festival and to be a part of the energy and the variety of art being made. 

Apart from seeing your show, what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

I would have to recommend my other show “Juniper and Jules” (also at the Pleasance) another queer rom-com as well as “How May I Help You?” by Callum Hughes also being produced by brilliant David Shopland and Fake Escape. Callum’s show is another exploration of contemporary masculinity and we’re going up as a team and in the same venue. 

Why should people book to see your show? 

I always want the audience to have a good time so this is very much a comedy-drama. We’re exploring new themes and narratives which feels exciting. Charlie feels like a failure because his life hasn’t followed the expected or prescribed path and I think that’s something a lot of people can identify with.

When and where can people see the show?

Pleasance Courtyard, 11.35am 31st July – 25th August.


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