Interview: Danielle James, ‘Knives and Forks’

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024, we’re chatting with a range of creatives heading to the city over August to learn more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Danielle James playwright of Knives and Forks.

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far..

My name is Danielle James and I am a playwright and theatre-maker from Dublin, currently living in East London. Some of my other “work” has included “A They In A Manger” at Camden People’s Theatre, and “200 Ways to Come Out To Your Mother As a Transexual” at the Royal Court Theatre.

What is your show about?

My play, “Knives and Forks” is about two women, one of whom has a terminal illness, as they hurtle towards the untimely end of their friendship.

What was the inspiration for your show and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

The inspiration behind Knives and Forks stemmed from my frustrations about the relationships I had with my female friends who had passed away. I felt like I still had so much to express, and so much I wanted to say, but I found myself saying it to empty air. When in October of last year, Band of Sisters approached me to write a play on the theme of female friendship, I knew that it was the perfect opportunity to explore the beauty and grief of impending loss.

What made you want to take Knives and Forks to the Fringe?

Fringe is the perfect place to get new and experimental work seen in front of a crowd of theatre-lovers… It was the obvious choice for this project!

Apart from seeing your show, what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

My top tip for anyone travelling to Fringe this year is B.Y.O.B (Bring Your Own Bottle)! You can never be too hydrated at Fringe!

Why should people book to see Knives and Forks?

People should book to see Knives and Forks because everybody knows what its like to love someone, to love a friend. And everyone knows how different their lives would be without those people.

When and where can people see your show?

People can come and see “Knives and Forks” at Gilded Balloon - Nip, at 15:00


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