Interview: ‘Temping’, Dutch Kills Theater Company

Ahead of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2024 we’re chatting with a range of creatives who will be heading to the city over August to find out more about their shows. Today we’re chatting with Dutch Kills Theater Company’s Artistic Director Alley Scott about the piece Temping which they will present in Edinburgh.

Can you tell us a bit about you and your career so far..

I can indeed! My name is Alley Scott and I am the Artistic Director of Dutch Kills Theater Company, a developmental production company based in New York City. We have been dedicated to new works of theatre since 2011. We have produced over a dozen full productions in the states and been a steady presence at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe since 2016. 

What is your show about?

Temping is an immersive interactive show for one audience member at a time. As the audience member you are the temp for the day, filling in for Sarah Jane Tully who is on vacation. During your hour in our office you participate via spreadsheets, printouts, phone calls, voice memos, emails and whatever else you can find. And there is some fun office drama along the way! 

What was the inspiration for Temping and what’s the development process been to get to this stage?

Temping was developed over years by the Narrative Technologists at Wolf 359. During Covid when we had to shut down all conventional theatre, Dutch Kills partnered with Wolf 359 to produce Temping in New York as an in person pandemic friendly piece and for a moment we were the only live theatre happening in the city! Since then we have brought this lovely piece to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and the Adelaide Fringe. 

What made you want to take Temping to the Fringe?

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the best place for experimental theatre to find a new audience in the world. We love coming to Edinburgh every year and we always want to bring something new and exciting with us. 

Apart from seeing Temping, what’s your top tip for anybody heading for Edinburgh this summer?

I would say do your best to see a variety of shows. Maybe take a chance on something you aren't quite sure of. Find a form of theatre you aren't used to and try it out! And then have a great time and make sure you get enough rest. It's really easy to overdo it! 

Why should people book Temping?

We sell out every year! So get your ticket soon so you can be the star of our show for an hour.

When and where can people see Temping?

Temping runs 9 times a day. We are in a shipping container with the Assembly Festival just behind the Gordon Aikman Lecture Theatre: Assembly George Square Studios – The Cubicle at Buccleuch Place, 3 - 25 Aug 2024, every 90 mins from 10.00 until 22.00


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