ED FRINGE 2023 INTERVIEW | Tom Hazelden, My Last Two Brain Cells

With the Edinburgh Festival Fringe now underway, we’ve caught up with some of the artists and creative teams to chat about their work which is heading to the event in August. Today we’re chatting with Tom Hazelden about his piece, My Last Two Brain Cells.

1. Let's begin by pitching your show at the Ed Fringe, tell us about it?

We're a high concept, chaotic, wholesome character comedy (think Bottom meets Morcombe and Wise). We invite you in as honorary hormones for a once in a lifetime tour of the brain of Gary Kane. 

Let's hope nothing goes wrong....

The show is fast paced, incredibly high energy and a laugh a minute. Bring a mate and a drink, you're guaranteed a fantastically fun night!

2. Where did you draw your influences from for this piece?

We really love Sketch comedy, so we've taken a lot of inspiration from comedians such as Aunty Donna, French and Saunders and Morcombe and Wise.

We also really love comedy like The Office and we've been very influenced by the US iteration.

Really just anyone who's doing something different and challenging the form!

3. What are the challenges of bringing a piece to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe?

We're a piece of new writing and this is our debut show, so trying to sell it is tough. 

In addition to this, we're a comedy show and there's SO MUCH competition! Getting the money together to pay for everything has also been a huge challenge and then factor in trying to work around rehearsal and making enough to pay your rent and bills!

4. What can audiences expect from your show?

The show is different every night, so I can't tell you exactly what to expect, but I can guarantee one thing.

Chaos. Absolute chaos.

The show is so much fun and people leave beaming with energy and joy, we often get told that people's cheeks are hurting from smiling so much!

It's also the most fun to perform which I always think says a lot.

Our audiences sum up the show so well, so we'll leave you with a quote from one of our reviewers (who loved it so much, they came to see it twice!)

'Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is one of the best Fringe comedy shows out there. It has all the variety of a two-hour cabaret crammed into a 60-minute show, with endless comedic twists and turns that are guaranteed to have you in hysterics.'

- The Recs

5. What are you most looking forward to during your time in Edinburgh for the festival?

Seeing shows and meeting artists.

I can't wait to see things that aren't comedy.

I think that's so important when bringing comedy to Edinburgh.

Stray from the big venues and find some hidden gems!!!

6. What are the main things within your piece?


We didn't want people to leave thinking too hard about anything or any sort of message (plus we're two straight white men with not a lot to say about the world). We just want people to come, escape and have the best night possible!

7. Where can people come and see 'My Last Two Brain Cells'?

Gilded Balloon - Patter Hoose - Nip 21:40 2nd-27th (not 14)


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